Sojaprotein at the Food Ingredients Europe 2017 Exhibition

Food Ingredients Europe 2017, the most important food industry exhibition, was held from November 28 to 30 in Frankfurt. Sojaprotein, a Victoria Group member company, took part in the event once again.
As one of the top NON-GMO soybean refiners in Europe, Sojaprotein was quite an outstanding participant. The NON-GMO quality of products was highlighted in discussions with more than 100 companies and Sojaprotein presented a wide range of products for different segments of the food industry: the meat, baking, confectionery and pasta industries. The focus was on the following product groups: soybean flours and semolina, texturates and protein concentrates. A new generation of high-quality soybean protein concentrates was especially attention-grabbing. The expansion within this segment has positioned Sojaprotein as a global supplier of finished NON-GMO soybean products.
This year, Food Ingredients Europe 2017 had record attendance. There were 1,600 exhibitors from 65 countries, as well as around 25,000 visitors.
New trends – vegan and vegetarian products, meat analogues (meat substitutes), non-allergenic, gluten-free and organic products – were an especially important part of the exhibition. New generations of functional mixtures for the food industry were presented as well.